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This report explains whistleblowing disclosures made to the Charity Commission, what they did and how these contributed to their regulatory work. Whistleblowing disclosures help the Charity Commission to detect serious problems such as fraud, safeguarding concerns and mismanagement in charities. Whistleblowing therefore plays a valuable role in the regulation of the charity sector. The Charity Commission continues to review and improve its approach to encouraging, receiving and handling disclosures.
Open publication
This booklet has been produced by the Metropolitan Police Fraud and Linked Crime Online (FALCON) team to assist you in taking the necessary steps needed to protect your business and customers. With limited resources and turbulent economic conditions SMEs may prioritise innovation and growth over online security and risk. These issues are often seen as expensive, burdensome and time consuming. It is important these areas are recognised and assessed and companies are aware of the risks they face from cyber criminals. This booklet aims to identify common types of cybercrime and the ways you can protect yourself from them. It is not an exhaustive list, in what is an ever changing landscape, but by following the advice given, you can improve your protection of the systems and your knowledge of your staff using them.
This book has been produced by the Metropolitan Police Fraud and Linked Crime Online (FALCON) team to make you aware of the latest and most prolific scams. This version has been designed specifically to protect small and medium enterprises (SMES), which account for 99% of all UK businesses and employ over 13 million people. The impact of fraud is often more dramatic in SMES which simply cannot afford the losses that may arise. Often, these losses can result in business failure. It is important to recognise that a fraud can come from anywhere; internal staff, customers, suppliers as well as unconnected third parties. Fraud can also seem inherently complicated and difficult to understand as criminals use a range of tools and techniques at their disposal.
‘Whistleblower’ is a widely used term. However, what it means and the protections a whistleblower might receive are by no means universal. Whistleblowers have been a regular presence in the news over recent years, from involvement in the Panama Papers, the FIFA scandal, Cambridge Analytica, President Trump and even Jeremy Kyle. However, the circumstances in which a ‘whistle is blown’ are not always as headline grabbing as these examples. In very simple terms, a whistleblower can be an employee who, in relatively mundane circumstances, decides to report certain types of wrongdoing in the belief that such disclosure is in the public interest.
Most people aren’t aware of how easily they could become a victim of cybercrime, and why they would be a target. The truth is that the online world is evolving fast and everyone with a digital footprint has something valuable cybercriminals crave - personal data. Criminals are always looking for and finding new ways to target unsuspecting people so the prospect of protecting yourself from these threats can seem insurmountable. The good news is there are some simple steps you can take to stop you becoming an easy target.
Charities in England and Wales spend nearly £80bn every year – a tempting target for fraudsters. Although there is no universally accepted estimate of the scale of charity fraud, research suggests the cost to the sector is likely to be hundreds of millions, potentially billions, of pounds each year. This report summarises charities’ progress in tackling fraud identifies where further action should be taken, signposts available guidance, and highlights the good practice that’s been adopted by those charities keen to take a pro-active and transparent approach to fighting fraud.
The Government has published its Economic Crime Plan for the next three years, and it is heavy in its reliance on the private sector to contribute to the fight against financial crime. The ever-evolving and clandestine nature of economic crime means it can only be combatted by harnessing the capabilities, resources, and experience of both the public and private sectors. For the first time, this plan sets out how both sectors will work together to tackle economic crime. Fraud is now one of the most common crimes in the UK, with one in fifteen people falling victim a year.
As the United Kingdom’s Serious Fraud Office (SFO) director Lisa Osofsky completes her first year as its head, the publication of its Annual report and accounts 2018-19 last month shed light on the agency’s caseload, which saw conviction rates fall, as well as providing some understanding of the current leadership
Fraud poses a major threat to the UK. It’s a crime the finance industry is committed to tackling, but it’s also one that requires the combined efforts of every sector, both public and private, to overcome.
Fraud the Facts 2019 report lays bare the extent of the challenge. Last year the advanced security systems and innovations in which the finance industry invests to protect customers stopped more than £1.6 billion of unauthorised fraud. Despite this, criminals successfully stole £1.2 billion through fraud and scams in 2018.
Does the UK have a corruption problem? Officially, no. In reality, we just don’t know. The heavy emphasis placed on overseas corruption in recent years has taken our eye off the ball at home. The data are sketchy, the infrastructure non-existent, and no-one is in charge. And what about all of the everyday activity which, whilst not strictly illegal, undermines openness, integrity and fair dealing in politics, government and business? What if, when we do look more closely (and think more clearly), we are in for a nasty shock?
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