The Evolving face of Insurance Fraud

  • 24 Jan 2019
  • 8:30 AM - 11:30 PM
  • KPMG LLP One Snow Hill Queensway, Birmingham B4 6GH
  • 13


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The Evolving face of Insurance Fraud

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Thursday 24 January 2019 – 8.30am to 11.30am

Hosted by KPMG LLP

One Snow Hill Queensway, Birmingham B4 6GH

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Welcome & introduction 


Herinder Bassi, Intelligence Analyst, Ministry of Justice



Anthony Carrington, Partner – Head of Organised Fraud and Natalie Randall, Technical Intelligence Analyst, DAC Beachcroft Claims Ltd – speaking about an organised fraud case study





Paul Bennett, Motor Insurer's Bureau Police Liaison – Speaking about how fraud and the approach to fraud at the MIB has changed in recent years – particularly how they have bridged that gap between insurers and local police forces across the country.

and Nick Harper, Insurance Fraud Bureau - Operation Phoenix


Questions to the speakers






Herinder Bassi, Ministry of Justice

After graduating in sciences, Herinder worked in Sussex in a niche business in the creative industry. The lure of travel saw a move to Singapore with an international IT Educator, then a return to London as the Educational Director. He began his intelligence career as a Divisional Crime Analyst with Cheshire Constabulary and was then called to work in the private sector within the Telecoms and Retail counter-fraud industry. Subsequently recruited, to what was initially a small team, engaged in the Regulation of the Claims Management industry, progressing to a Senior Intelligence Analyst with the Ministry of Justice Regulation unit with 140 staff.  Regulation will move to the Financial Conduct Authority in April 2019. Herinder has been evangelical in engaging with multiple partners to progress enforcement work, as the Single Point of Contact (SPOC) this ranges from police specialist units to the NCA, Regulators, including the ICO, SRA and the wider Insurance industry.  Strategic work has included contributions to the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Insurance & Financial Services.  

Anthony Carrington, Partner – Head of Organised Fraud, DAC Beachcroft Claims Ltd 

Anthony Carrington has an extensive background in litigation, specialising in Insurance Fraud.  His areas of expertise include high value fraud cases, ringed fraud and complex fraud. He regularly advises on counter fraud strategies and bespoke fraud strategies on large scale organised fraud for insurers. He has also carried out extensive fraud training both internally and externally. Anthony has developed a specialist organised fraud team of over 20 organised fraud specialists. Anthony has a keen interest in intelligence and developing evidential packages which aid the defence of organised fraud claims. In addition, Anthony and his team work collaboratively with third party agencies and law enforcement agencies to tackle the facilitators at the root of problem.

Natalie Randall, Technical Intelligence Analyst, DAC Beachcroft Claims Ltd

Natalie is the lead analyst for the Operations workstream within the DAC Beachcroft intelligence function. Natalie has experience of law enforcement analysis and the production of quality products in accordance with the National Intelligence Model. She has provided analytical assistance to a range of crime investigations, from organised vehicle theft to murder, as well as fraud and money laundering operations. She has also worked at a local policing level, identifying and developing emerging patterns, trends and potential threats. She is highly competent in the detailed analysis of telecoms data, CCTV analysis, telematics data and mapping techniques and has taken the lead in relation to technical data analysis. Natalie is also our "operations lead" and works with other team members to ensure complex fraud operations are developed and managed efficiently and effectively. Natalie was involved in the setting up of the DAC Beachcroft Training School and now works to develop and deliver new and existing intelligence training modules both internally and externally. She has a sound understanding of the evidential process and has experience of presenting her findings in Crown Court trials. Natalie has been commended for her analytical work in relation to large scale conspiracy cases.

Paul Bennett, Motor Insurer's Bureau Police Liaison

Paul is the former Head of Road Death Investigation for West Midlands and Staffordshire police Forces having overseen approximately 500 fatal Road Traffic Collisions during his tenure. He incepted the first dedicated Road death Family Liaison Officer unit in the U.K and assumed the role of “National Police Liaison for the Motor Insurers Bureau in February 2016 acting as a conduit between MIB, the insurance industry, the police and partner agencies. He is currently assisting DfT working on the national review into Road Traffic Collision Statistics, and is a member of the Standing Committee for Road Accident Statistics. In addition he is a member of the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety and also the National ANPR strategy Group, Police National Computer vehicles working group and National Roads Policing Intelligence Forum. He has delivered training to over 2000 police officers nationally to improve understanding of insurance legislation and its importance in any Roads policing Strategy for operational policing and regularly assists in enforcement operations.

Nick Harper, Insurance Fraud Bureau 

Nick is a counter fraud professional with over 20 years’ experience and holds a recently attained Master’s Degree in Fraud Management.  Having held roles at the Serious Fraud Office and Kent Police he was involved in varying aspects of investigation, including Counter Terrorism, Civil Recovery, Financial Investigation and Asset Tracing.  Nick joined the IFB in 2012 and as an Investigations Coordinator he has managed a number of high profile organised fraud investigations that have resulted in landmark custodial sentences for the insurance industry.


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