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A Liverpool takeaway boss who failed to declare his true income to evade a £103,551 tax bill has been jailed for two-and-a-half years.
Mike Kiersey, Principal Technologist, Boomi, details how HMRC can modernise their IT systems to help recoup the billions lost in furlough fraud
A fraudster who stole nearly £1.9 million of taxpayers’ money to fund a lavish lifestyle, including buying three Spanish villas, has been jailed for five-and-a-half years.
The UK tax authority has opened almost 13,000 probes into businesses that may have abused the government’s coronavirus business support schemes.
The number of HMRC-branded phishing scams surged 87% in the past 12 months, according to latest revealed figures
Over £1bn of fraudulent or mistakenly claimed furlough cash is set to be recovered over the next two years, HMRC has said.
The boss of a payroll business has been banned from operating as a company director for 11 years for orchestrating what the government said was a multi-million pound tax avoidance scheme.
Tax credits customers should be vigilant and alert to potential scams, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has warned, as the remaining annual renewal packs will arrive in the post this week.
In this episode, we are joined by Simon York, Director of HMRC's Fraud Investigation Service (FIS). Created only five years ago, FIS has already secured 3,700 criminal convictions for serious fraud and protected over £25 billion in assets.
The ‘stick’ which tax experts warned HMRC would brandish to punish dodgy furlough claims within four years has been felt -- severely, and much more quickly for a Bradford duo.
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